In Leader Bible Study, we've been talking about having courage as leaders. This week we talked about how God doesn't just help you through things when you manipulatively ask Him to help you in certain areas, he actually
works through us. No, we
can't do things, but GOD can do things through us.
This really struck me as I was reflecting on my position as Middle School Director. I fully believe and know in my heart that God has called me into this position, yet I am CONSTANTLY doubting my capabilities... always comparing myself to others, thinking I am pretty much just mediocre in all areas of my job description, constantly thinking I can't deliver a strong message or make these kids love Jesus... Well that's true, I can't... but GOD can and will do those things through me because he has called me into ministry. If I don't really and truly start believing that, then He will not work because I will not be opening myself to Him.
So, here's your challenge (I'm full of those lately): Allow God to work through you. Don't doubt your own capabilities because you have Christ living inside you.