Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Break? Prob Not

I have no posted in a while because I've been consumed with homework, papers, midterms, choreographing, teaching, serving, and trying to maintain a slim to none social life.

I am excited for Spring Break, but it will
be busy and filled with studying, paper writing, choreographing, rehearsals, and churchie things. Pretty much the same things I've been busy with minus a few classes.

Hopefully I will have more time this week to work on all the choreography I need to think up and teach within the next Month and a half... we'll see


Heather Tobey said...

our lives are practically the same. i feel your pain.

Kelly said...

i need to take you two out to coffee sometime soon. you both need some anti-stress time!

Nikki said...

so true. I'd kinda love that. If I can find time!