Awkward First Day Moments:
1. Parking: The Great Navigation told me to turn left into my parking lot... Well, left happened to be a huge parking deck. I was slightly skeptical, but chose to trust the small gadget. And... he failed me, epically. The gate would not open to my ID card, and police officers had to stop oncoming traffic so I could back up and go across the street to my desired location.
2. Introductions: I absolutely hate first day of class personal introductions. In one of my classes, the professor told us to introduce ourselves and tell the class a favorite song lyric or a quote from a movie-- something that was stuck in our head. Unfortunately, all I could think about was "Find Your Love" by Drake because it was on the radio on the way over. So, I proceeded to sing the chorus for the class. I got extra points for actually singing, so I guess that's worth something.
3. Directions: One of my classes was locked. Of course I got there early, so no one else was around... I lingered for a bit, went to the rest room, then plopped down next to a stranger to wait around. I was certain it was my class. Luckily, eventually the teacher showed with some sort of sliding card that served as a key... Intriguing
4. Packed Lunch: I usually pack my lunch to save money and attempt to be semi healthy. This morning I packed tuna salad in Tupperware. Well, it just so happened the Tupperware had a crack in it. Marvelous. Smelly tuna went all over my lunch bag and the rest of my food. Lovely, just how I wanted to start off the school year!
5. People: It's just always awkward when you have people in your classes that have been in previous classes with you and your not sure if you should initiate convo, ignore, sit with them, or just smile... always an awkward sitch.
6. Errands: The Financial Aid center moved to another building. I had to turn in a form. Needless to say, it was just an awkward trip. Lots of lines, different stations, tons of people... It was pretty obvious I was utterly confused all around.
7. More Locked Doors: I have a class in this new academic center; I went to the first door I saw, and it was locked. This may not seem like a big deal, but its just kinda embarrassing when someone is standing RIGHT next to the door and doesn't warn you or anything, just kinda smirks at your idiocy.
So there are my awkward moments of the first day of school. Did you have any??... Its inevitable.