Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I miss my CNU buddies, and I sorta miss college life too...

Hardly ever spending money on gas, AKA having everything right there at your finger tips.

A different community of believers where no one knows your baggage.. or anyone else's baggage.. They just want to grow closer to Christ

Trying out new things, failing, succeeding

Meal Plans

New, different people

Friends within tip toeing distance... friends to walk to class with... friends to eat lunch with... friends to check mail with... the list goes on

Working in the mailroom... messing up tons in the mail room... looking at magazines and Dancing with the Stars in the mail room

Seeing great shows at student discount

Not gonna lie, I do miss the Trib Lib.

For those of you going off to college, its a scary, but amazing experience. Enjoy it while you can :)


Stephanie Marie said...

i'm not gonna lie, i am so incredibly scared :/