Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hello Nikki

I have been thinking a lot lately, now that I'm on "break" about how much I devote to doing doing doing doing things that seem so good and right, and healthy, but how little time I spend seeking the Lord.

I know I have posted about this before, but I am so Martha, but do nothing about it.

Welp, I just started planning for a girls bible study I am running tomorrow morning at Tuckahoe Middle School, and I randomly thought to look through "The Divine Dance," which I have never picked up before, and I randomly turned to Chapter 10 because the Title seemed relevant, and the chapter randomly spoke to me.

Of course this is all not really random, it was totally God's hand a work. He always speaks to me in the most mysterious ways, at the most perfect times.

Here are a few quotes which really spoke to my heart:

"You have forsaken your first love." Revelation 2:4.

"Overtime, I had gotten so busy dancing for God that I had forgotten to dance with God."

"Being in a loveless relationship with God is the worst possible state because God is the designer of love. He is the Author of relationships and the only One who will love you just as you are."

"You have been dancing out of habit, forgetting what it means to delight yourself in the Lord."

"[delighting yourself in the Lord] means getting so caught up in loving God that all your desires are fulfilled in Him."

"Making God Lord of your life is a conscious choice you have to make every day."

"And when you dance for Him alone, He will clap louder than any audience you have ever heard."