Thursday, October 28, 2010

One little thing

Isn't it interesting that when you do one little thing wrong or get into one little fight or something, you feel like you can't do anything right, and your world crumbles, you call your bf or bff and bawl your eyes out thinking about all similar past events?

Its amazing how out of all the things you do in life, one little thing can ruin your day....


Stephanie Marie said...

i know EXACTLY what you mean. i think beat ourselves up because, since it is something small, we feel like the mistake we made could have been easily prevented or avoided. it helps me to remember that the mistakes i made were all part of my plan {Jeremiah 29:11} and that God has a way for me to overcome the obstacles that seem to ruin everything. which is why i think we turn to those people that we trust the most {i.e. our bf or bff}. afterall, those people love us and were meant to serve a definite purpose in our life.

i love you nikki!