Ever since I got this job at Middle School Director, I have wondered what the Lord will have in store for me in 2 years. Plans have changed drastically ever since my "Musical Theatre" stage during my sophomore year in high school, so I have to be open and ready for even more changes.
2 weeks ago I was told that I was supposed to take a particular teacher test (VCLA), and my advisor was surprised I was admitted into the Masters of Teaching program without taking it... I'm still not sure I had to take it because clearly I was never told, and obviously I still got into the program without taking it. Needless to say, I freaked out (being the planner and over-organizer that I am), and registered for the test ASAP.
Today I attempted to register for Spring Semester classes, when I stumbled upon a bump in the road- a HOLD. I hate the word. I have checked numerous times the past couple of weeks to make sure everything was good and paid for before registration, and of course NOW I have a HOLD-- "UG Admissions NOT Finalized..." WHAT THE HECK DOES THAT MEAN?!
Cue the mini freak out. AHHH!?!?!
I double check all tuition payments- pay a random payment, no help. I call the admissions office, left a message, no help. So now I wait. If phone calls don't work, I'll go into the office and figure all of this out tomorrow.
Back to my over-arching point- thesis, if you will.
For the past few months I have made the decision that the Lord will close doors if my plan is not necessarily his plan. Although this waiting business is frustrating, whatever happens is in His plan. A large majority of our faith is just that. Faith. I absolutely have to trust God and remember that its not in my control. He knows best, and He's got it all under control.
"A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)