Saturday, December 18, 2010

Friend Fail

With all the craziness and business of school, work, and GCN, I feel like I've been a total friend fail. Even though the holidays are always crazy, I am glad to spend time with groups of friends, and I am so looking forward to reconnecting with my long lost buddies during January, when things slow down a bit.

I have always tried to be sure to stay connected with girlfriends even when having a boyfriend, and I have not been able to do that lately. I really don't like it, not one bit. I was talking to Jackie Kelly the other day, and she said, "[Your boyfriend/husband] will never be one of your girl friends." It's so true. As much as I love John and love to spend time with him, he will forever be a guy- unorganized, unemotional, anti-planning guy. I need my girls in my life!

So, hopefully my friends will forgive me for being a friend fail and embrace my reentrance into the social world.


spena said...

cant wait for spring session ill be freer than a degree stick! - meaning i can hangout whenever!!