Sunday, January 30, 2011

Reading Break

Books of doom
I heart goldfish. The treat, not the animal.
salty, cheesy perfection

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I actually like...

reading my education text books. NERD ALERT! And.. I'm actually kind of excited about some of my assignments... They will just take time, but should be pretty interesting and actually useful.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Rando Thought

I can't stand it when people don't delete or organize their emails. There's just a million emails sitting there in their inbox. That stresses me out.

I also can't stand it when people's bookmark menu thing on their internet page is a hot mess... each bookmark isn't re-named.. the messy url sits there wanting to be cleaner looking... there are like way too many for the menu bar... the ones running off the menu are like "help me, help me! Don't forget I exist!"

And by can't stand, I don't really mean can't stand. I really just think about how everyone is so different. Me being the most different... I have book mark folder categories, email categories for those I need to save for later viewing... I am a hyper-organizer. This can't be normal. But it's the way I live, so there!

All this to say, I really just can't stand not being able to find something.

Friday, January 21, 2011

I'm about to...

go into the first dance class I've enrolled in in 4 years... and I'm scared to death, but excited. We'll see how this goes!

Oh, and as I'm waiting for class to start, I decided to reminisce back to my glory days..

I've decided I look a lot cooler/a lot less awkward in Hip Hop pictures

Oh no you di-ehnt

What now?!


Right now

...I am sitting at Starbucks waiting to go to campus... I was an idiot. I for some reason looked at the dates wrong and thought I was speaking at Tuckahoe Bible Study this morning, but really it's next week... and today just so happens to be the busiest day ever. I could've used that extra 3 hours of sleep, but NO I had to be dumb.

BUT then I remember that everything happens for a reason... I was planning on getting my flu shot today since I would have some time in between the talk and my class... It seems as though right now that stomach bug is going around again, so I'm guessing it's perfect timing for me to get the shot. I'm also assuming that if I hadn't planned on speaking today I wouldn't have scheduled my shot, SO I'm trying to keep my head up. This is all in the plan, and I will NOT be bitter about getting up at the crack o dawn (I don't know how I did that every morning for 4 years in high school!!) for no reason.

I would take a pic, but I'm nervous, so I won't.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ringing through my ears

‎"I am leaving you with a gift- peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid." -Jesus

At a time like this- When I'm looking ahead at this crazy semester. Pencilling in tests, journal entries, papers, and projects. Making decisions about what to commit to. Looking at what needs to be done and what will need to be done in terms of Youth Ministry and dance and school and applications...

...I need the soft whisper of Jesus to remind me that he offers me peace in this crazy, hectic world with to-do's, check-lists, expectations, and perfection.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

School is...

going to kick my butt this semester...

-My New Testament professor said that he, in fact, is biased and disagrees with anything "evangelical" or "conservative" or "devotional," and that he should be transparent about that while also respecting his students' opinions... hmm...
-My education classes grade like high school... A's are 93-100, and so on. Awesome.
-I will have to make several lesson plans and do group projects/presentations.
-I will be doing teaching observations weekly.
-My senior seminar professor said we would be doing more work than he does in class. Also, I will be spending the entire semester preparing for my treacherous 15-20 page paper on some aspect of Scottish Literature... oh so exciting!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mixed Emotions

Tomorrow is the first day of my last semester of Undergrad... and I have mixed emotions

Kinda just bitter that I have to go back to school

Nervous Excited

Pleased to get back into a regular schedule

What I will probably be like when I really get into my education classes



I get all pumped to go totally OCD when school starts back up..

-I write down my schedule with room number, subject, and professor on a tiny sheet of paper which I place perfectly inside the cover of my planner.
-I go and find all my classes and organize each of my fresh syllabi into my neat 5-subject binder.
-I write with a crisp Sharpie the name of my classes on my reusable folders...
-I write my exam, project, paper dates into that previously mentioned planner.
-I be sure to obtain all books not previously posted on the Bookstore website (dang those professors... messing up my hyper-preparedness.)

Then after a few weeks... it's just not as exciting anymore. Bah humbug.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I'm tired of saying goodbye and goodnight. Lord help me be patient. I know I have my whole life to spend with him, so I can wait a year or so. I can wait. I can wait.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I enjoy

...hanging out with adolescents . That's all. bye.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Dryer

Oh how I hate you, dryer. You make my tops skanky, you prevent me from pulling up my jeans past my knees, you make my new underwear into permanent wedgies, and you destroy my memories of the past by forcing me to throw away great pieces.

BUT you do make my other clothes all nice and toasty...

Monday, January 3, 2011

This New Year...

The Lord is teaching me the importance of silence.

"Be still and know I am God."

Saturday, January 1, 2011

schedge return

Trying to get back to going to sleep relatively early. Good luck to me.

Sleeping with the kitty

Wide awake!

Just a thought, not a sermon

It's more fun to get hyper off of Cuban coffee than it is to be totally out of control of your body getting shwasted on New Years.