Monday, January 17, 2011


I get all pumped to go totally OCD when school starts back up..

-I write down my schedule with room number, subject, and professor on a tiny sheet of paper which I place perfectly inside the cover of my planner.
-I go and find all my classes and organize each of my fresh syllabi into my neat 5-subject binder.
-I write with a crisp Sharpie the name of my classes on my reusable folders...
-I write my exam, project, paper dates into that previously mentioned planner.
-I be sure to obtain all books not previously posted on the Bookstore website (dang those professors... messing up my hyper-preparedness.)

Then after a few weeks... it's just not as exciting anymore. Bah humbug.


Unknown said...

Nik, I love this and totally did the same thing all through hs and college!

spena said...

i love the first day/week of school! everything is so fresh and clean. ahh the smell of fresh loose leaf notebook.