Saturday, January 22, 2011

Rando Thought

I can't stand it when people don't delete or organize their emails. There's just a million emails sitting there in their inbox. That stresses me out.

I also can't stand it when people's bookmark menu thing on their internet page is a hot mess... each bookmark isn't re-named.. the messy url sits there wanting to be cleaner looking... there are like way too many for the menu bar... the ones running off the menu are like "help me, help me! Don't forget I exist!"

And by can't stand, I don't really mean can't stand. I really just think about how everyone is so different. Me being the most different... I have book mark folder categories, email categories for those I need to save for later viewing... I am a hyper-organizer. This can't be normal. But it's the way I live, so there!

All this to say, I really just can't stand not being able to find something.