Wednesday, June 1, 2011

feeling like...

A bad student... My books have no come in, which is partially my fault because I have never taken summer school, and I was not in the right mindset to order book RIGHT after my last semester of undergrad (woop woop!). School began, and I realized I had no books. Silly me went ahead and ordered them online because they are way cheaper... I probs shoulda just sucked it up and bought them at a terrible price at the bookstore, but I didn't and now it's too late. SO I await my textbooks... So far, I've been able to get by... finding things online and snagging other people's books, BUT I feel like a delinquent. Of course this is the first time that EVERYONE has come to class prepared with their books, marked up, and annotated.. and I sit there with no book. Today I will go to Barnes and Noble and see if they have it there, so I can just sit and read what I need to for today's class. Fortunately, my much needed text book is in transit and should be here today... we hope.