Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Talkie Update

So, the talk went pretty well. It was by no means perfect, but despite a few awkward pauses/transitions, it went pretty well for a first timer! God is good, all the time. A few leaders said it was the quietest/most attentive they've been in a while, so that was encouraging to hear. Its a great feeling knowing that even though I feel inadequate, God has bigger plans and is using me in ways I woulda never imagined. :)

Right now I'm feeling peace.

And tomorrow I'm going to Water Country with Megs and Rebekah! Funsies girls day out. Love it.


Stephanie Marie said...

i'm glad to hear that it went well! i mean i knew it would, but you know what i'm saying :)and water country is the jam! i hope you have fun!