All I gotta say is.. Water Country USA is legit. We rode every slide once, and a few twice. So fun. Please let me know if you'd ever like to go this summer. I got a Seasons Pass!
I am utterly amazed at God's grace and intricate plans. No matter how much I try to keep my life straight, God always intervenes. WIthout Him, I don't know what I would be today. I love to dance, even though my technique is slim to none. I also love singing.. especially in the car. Because I'm not great with words, dance and singing serve as my outlets for expression.. I'm hoping this blog will help me use my words... I have a huge heart for teens. I want to love on them, and I hope that, in turn, Jesus' love will shine through that. I plan to teach in hopes to inspire teens each year to be better and do better. I am super organized and tidy, to the point of mild obsessive compulsion :) I guess it's a good problem to have. I'm working on debunking my "Trichotillomania;" basically, I pull out my eyebrows and eyelashes.. weird? yes.. but, surprisingly common.. Some last tidbits: I love the ocean, reading great books, leisure time, and I have an amazing boyfriend.
don't you hate how the wave pool and hubba hubba highway are so far away
me, me, me!!!
me too! lets take a field trip!
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