Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sore but Satisfied

So I finished up the Worship dance workshops, and they actually went pretty well. All the girls seemed to like it a lot, and really got a lot out of the new style of dance, so that made me happy. As for now, I am ubber sore and unmotivated, but now its time to go off to babysit! Oh the life of juggling four different jobs. Oh well, I won't regret it when I graduate! :)

-PS- I can't wait until I graduate. Blog for another day? I think so.


Stephanie Marie said...

i'm with you on the soreness. and you did a lovely job with the worship class. it was my fave. just saying :)

Kaitlyn said...

I loved worship!!!! I had so much fun with the dance! Did you post it on YouTube yet?

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