Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Echo libs

So, I have started up an "Echo Library" where kids can check out books for 3 weeks at a time. I am super stoked about it! Yeah, I know, I know I'm an English/literature/reading nerd, but it is so important for us to be reading not just the Bible (most important) but other literature that will help us grow.

We are currently doing a series on what it means to be a Christian because I honestly don't think kids have a clue/ aren't being challenged enough (not that I know EXACTLY how to be a Christian, but you get the gist). SO, that said, I'm super pumped about our mini library. A couple kids have already checked out books, and I've already gotten some hype e-mails!

It's so cool what God is doing in ECHO!


Heather Tobey said...

I LOVE THIS IDEA! I wish they had one when I was in middle school.

Nikki said...

you can always come check something out!