Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Professor Quotes

Below lies a few interesting professor quotes from today....

New Testament Class.
"You cannot possibly think that both Luke and Mark are true because they both contradict each other in various ways."

Later followed by...

"During this course we will touch on the differences between a historical view of the Bible and a devotional one. What I hope to inspire you to do by the end of this class, if in fact you do use the Bible in a devotional way, is for you to deeply consider viewing it devotionally but also historically, finding a way to blend the two into your faith."

Reading in the Content Area Class.
"Can anyone guess what some of the most Googled words are?" (No one really gives great answers). Well, the first one is sex." (Class murmurs in response.) "It makes sense; I mean, I've googled sex before." (class giggles... this is coming from a 60 something year old woman) "I was just curious what would pop up! Of course I didn't really like what I saw..."

Senior Seminar: Scottish Literature
"One time I had to write a long research paper, and I actually put it off until the night before. Sadly, I had a really nice professor, so after I turned it in, and he gave me feedback, he said, 'Now David, this is just disappointing.' I was like awww man! I made the nice professor sad! It would've been better if he just said it was crap, but he was disappointed!"

Oh the joys, entertainment, trials, and tribulations of Liberal, Public, Education...