-Is a life following hard after God really worth it? A question to be pondered, examined, and determined.
-While sharing the gospel, we typically get stuck at fall and redemption, but we must include everything: creation, fall, redemption, and restoration.
-Evangelism lies in our compulsion to love others. Are you compelled to love? So compelled that you will tell everyone about Christ?
-Who is the main person you would like to tell about Christ? What's stopping you?
-The gospel never changes, but the way we present it does and must.
-Don't settle saying, "oh that person just wouldn't get the Gospel." Or, "it's ok if this isn't for you." Everyone should hear about Christ and has the ability to follow hard after him.
-The Holy Spirit should be so alive and on fire in us that the love of Christ is bursting out of us.
-When the Holy Spirit is present in our lives, our sinful nature goes away. We have to allow the Holy Spirit to be alive in us.
I learned a lot more than this, but this is just what's on the top of my head right now. We need conviction daily. It helps us grow.
really great points :)
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