"I woke up at 7:15, fell back asleep, woke up again at 9:15, fell back asleep, and then got out of bed at 10:4... wait, was it..? yes, 10:40," she says seemingly carelessly.
This is later followed by, "Ethan, am I going to get this done? I don't think I'm going to get this done. How long do you think it'll take?"
Minutes go by which are filled with working on her calculations, chatting with the girl next door to her, continuously chatting with Ethan, and doing more calculations.
Suddenly I hear (followed by and intermingled with many cuss words), "I'm doing this all wrong! I didn't multiply it by 2. I got all these numbers wrong, Ethan!" Ethan awkwardly tries to reassure her about some statistical data I know nothing about.
I then hear a fist slam on the other side of my study table followed by a...
"I should've done this last night. Ethan, I promise I'll do this the night before, next time."
Word to the wise, do your homework the night before, not 30 minutes before it's due date.
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