- Being on display: Now that I am on staff at a church, I am constantly aware of my every move. This is because I am literally on display for everyone to see. Not only do I want to prevent any conflict on the basis of my behavior, but I also want to be (and look like) a good influence for kids who feel like its hard to be a Christian in today's society. I hope to show them that you can still be cool and normal and be a Christian! We are not called to perfection though. What made me think of this a lot lately was....
- Glee: I love glee. I wouldn't go as far as to call myself a Gleek because I haven't been great at keeping up with it, but I do think its an entertaining show. Last night I posted on Facebook "I will not forget about Glee tonight." Well, I watched the show, and the episode was the most inappropriate one I have seen yet. Personally, watching something like this doesn't really influence me or make me change my lifestyle, but I got to thinking, what if people see that I posted that, and think that its bad that I watch this show? Also, while watching the episode I was thinking to myself, would I/should I be ok with my kids watching this? A lot of them love it, but last night's episode (while still very entertaining with amazing music) was highly inappropriate, and could send our kids a bad message/influence them. In contrast, next week is supposed to be about Jesus? or something like that... probably more about spirituality. So, it has its ups and downs I guess.
- Lifestyle and leadership: In order to be a spiritual leader, you are not expected to be perfect, but put at a higher standard. I have been thinking a lot about lifestyles vs. slip ups. Its one thing if a leader messes up every now and then (we all do!) but then recognizes it and is clearly striving to do better, but its another when the sin they are living in is a lifestyle-- it happens frequently and it doesn't seem as though they are taking any precautions. This is not ok. Leaders should be held to a higher standard.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Jumbled Thoughts.. Shocker
Monday, September 27, 2010
Class of Doom
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Change. Photosynthesis, growth, nutrients, clean house, vacuuming, laundry, adolescence, old-age, inspections, tune-ups, check-ups, mark-ups, showers, hair-dye, tanning, seasons, summer, fall, winter, spring, new places, college, clubs, church, relationships, fellowship, communities, spiritual maturity, renewal, renewal in Christ. Everything must be renewed. Everything changes. When I think of change, I think of my relationship with Christ. I once was lost, and now I’m found. I once wandered as a lost child, and then directed on the right path- the path of righteousness. I changed. But how? My thoughts were no longer of this world, but of Christ. Directed towards eternity. Even in my faith, I was like a child. Questioning everything, still unsure. That has not quite changed. Wait, that shouldn’t change. What did, was my intimate relationship with my savior. What started as a simple thought morphed into a way of life. One time, just a name: Christian. I’m a Christian. I go to Christian-like events. I act one way at church and another at home or school. Change. High school. Act more like a Christian (right?). Be different. Why? Because it’s the right thing to do. It’s what we’re preached. Just hang out with Christian friends. You’ll act more like ‘em. Go to church, go on retreat, go to small groups, go to Sunday school, go to choir practice, sing in the worship band. Do, do, do, do, do. Do good things. Right things, positive things, influential things. This will make you a better person. Change. College. Make it your own. Christ is my center. I do good because I love Christ. I love Christ because he died for me. (While I am still a sinner, Christ died for me). My relationship is renewed. Change. No longer do because others are, because others tell me to, because it feels good. NO. Do because Christ lives in me and I desire to be more like him. I am renewed in Christ. Change. Leadership. Thoughts not only forced onto self, but onto others. Love for others. Why? Who cares about others if its your own salvation you really care about. You’re not going to hell, so who cares about others? NO. Love others because God loves others. Because he has implanted the fruit of the spirit- love in you. Because he calls us to make disciples of all nations. All nations. Strive to change others. Bring about change in others. Change others. Spark in them a desire for renewal. Non-believers, believers, children, youth, adults. Everything changes. Plants, animals, houses, cars, people, machinery, toys, possessions. All change. We need renewal. The Holy Spirit provides spiritual renewal. Renew in Christ. Change. Continue to change. Never be content in faith. Challenge, question, seek, and find. Spend more time in the word, more time with God, more time in conversation, more time in prayer. Learn to love God more and more, abide by his commands, love others. Change from the inside, out. Be renewed, replenished, nourished, nurtured, fed, transformed by the renewing of your mind. Put on a new nature. The old is gone, the new has come. This is what we were made for.
Ironic we're to write about change when I've been thinking about change for the past at least month. I will be reading this allowed to the class. Pray for no product anxiety!
Girls vs. Guys
Thursday, September 23, 2010
So Awk
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Must get energy, must get energy!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Down and Out
Thursday, September 9, 2010
I am making a pact...
Monday, September 6, 2010
Holiday Fail
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
A Happy Heart
I had a really chaotic time trying to get into campus today for my 50 minute class after a few hours in the office. I got to the 300-person class and was utterly confused by the teacher and the course (too many boring details to explain)... We got out a little early, and as I walked to my car, I heard a young-woman's voice over a very loud speaker talking about the love of Christ.