Monday, September 27, 2010

Class of Doom

Can we just talk about how ridiculous my SOC 101 class is.

1. It is a 101 class... it should NOT be that difficult.

2. It's a lecture plus lab class. BUT WAIT, THAT'S NOT ALL...

3. On top of going to a pointless lecture every week with 300 other students all of whom have no clue what the guy is saying because he never stands near enough to the microphone and literally talks in circles, we have to ALSO listen to online lectures. Not just one for every week, no, like 3 for every week! These things are like 30 mins each, give or take a few!

4. Then of course, there is lab. Lab is not bad at all, its just that our TA is teaching it, and he is basically just teaching us whatever he wants to teach us-- not necessarily stuff we will be tested on.

5. For the test I have coming up next week, we have to have studied chapters 1-6. Studying consists of reading all the chapters (written by the marvelous Mr. Professor himself), remembering the content, studying our lecture "notes," and studying our online lecture notes.


Ok, I feel better now... Thanks