Saturday, September 25, 2010

Girls vs. Guys

So last night Mrs. Kelly, Jackie and I were hanging out together attempting to put in "The Last Song" to watch. It was hilarious because we got to talking, and ended up just sitting there chatting until about 10:45pm with the menu on and "The Last Song" theme song playing over and over.

Throughout our convos we realized that guys would NEVER do something like this.

1. They would never watch a chick flick (even though we girls sit through action-packed movies all the time)

2. They would never sit there and chat before starting the movie

3. The second that theme song repeated one time, they would have turned it off or stopped talking, but we let it roll loud over and over again

4. They never analyze things the way we do. In pretty much every topic we touched, we analyzed the situations

It is quite interesting how girls and guys work. I've been thinking a lot about that lately- especially about how terrible guys are at planning. We girl think long long term and we focus on the details while guys are totally just in the moment. They have no clue about scheduling or making sure people are in the know about things. Its pretty amazing that the majority of CEOs or high up business people are men. Oh wait, that's because they have women assistants who keep them straight. (Ok, that's about as feminist as I get).

Ok bye bye.