I had a really chaotic time trying to get into campus today for my 50 minute class after a few hours in the office. I got to the 300-person class and was utterly confused by the teacher and the course (too many boring details to explain)... We got out a little early, and as I walked to my car, I heard a young-woman's voice over a very loud speaker talking about the love of Christ.
I am so used to hearing annoying "preachers" on campus who don't convey complete truth about Jesus and just point out everyone's sins. Nothing gets across! This girl was actually talking about the LOVE OF CHRIST and his redemptive power. It was genuine, real, and true, and I loved it.
As if I have time in my day to sit and listen to someone speak, I followed the voice anyways and listened to her and then her band play "How he Loves." This was smack dab in the middle of the Plaza at VCU, mind you. The Gospel message was being proclaimed in the middle of a very lost University and the words "Oh How He Loves Us" were reverberating off the multi-story buildings, down the busy streets, and into the ears of lost souls. There's lots more I could say about how happy this made me, but I'll stop there. It was awesome.

LOVE THIS. i myself got information from a new faith community that's starting up in Harrisonburg today called RISE. it looks awesome! they're all about spreading God's love and putting it on display through actions and service projects. i'm def checking it out! quite stoked really :) I LOVE YOU! i miss you!
dah! whatever! that is so exciting! i love that. yes, Jesus!
dawwwww! thats so amazing!
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