I think I finally finished editing my blog formats! Thanks to my amazing, thoughtful, and creative boyfriend, I have a personalized picture and new name in the hea
ding! I changed the blog name because I think I was trying to be too literal and serious with the last one; the truth is, I need to just be myself with this thing. I love getting cozy with a blanket on a comfy couch and chatting with people, so I hope to simulate that setting on my blog (as cheesy as that sounds). Clearly, my favorite color combo is teal and brown, so I went with that too. I hope you like it!
Today's school day wasn't too bad. Each class went by relatively fast (minus the lecture on William Blake... whose work I actually have come to enjoy). Some interesting high lights:
1. We watched an awesome documentary called 7 UP on 7 year olds from 1960's Britain. The director is literally documenting each person every seven years (14 UP, 21 UP, etc). 56 UP is coming out in 2011! I could explain more, but I'll stop there
2. I got hit on in

one of my classes... basically, eyeing me eating a regular Reece's cup, he segued into an introduction by persuading me to try a dark chocolate Reece's in the future... "They are delicious." Later, of course he forgot to print out the vocab words, so I had to share with him.. Then, to end the awkward encounter, as I swiftly gathered my things, he asked me what my next class was... Needless to say I quickly told him and jetted... Don't worry readers, John knows all about this.
3. I got to my World class to find that we were watching the rest of the French film in class... So I came home early last night and sat through that thing for nothing. Oh well, at least we didn't have to do any work work.
4. I had sent VCU my final transcripts from CNU 3 times, and each time VCU "never received them." Finally, I just had CNU send them to me, and I ran them over to the transfer woman. She took it from me and said, "Ok, I 'll run this through for you, Bye." THAT'S ALL IT TOOK!!! If I would have KNOWN that that's all I had to do, I wou
ld have done that in August! I guess sometimes you just have to do people's jobs for them in the real world.
5. I did a side braid today, and I must say, I am pretty impressed with myself :)
Ok, I'm done now. Sorry for the perpetual post!
dah! i love you friend!.
you are beyond adorable! see... i told you john could help you out. :)
vcu sucks at that transcripts thing. they did the same thing to me...wenches.
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