I forgot to talk about one thing that happened... Last night someone at 1822 passed out. It was during prayer in the middle of worship, so I was on stage. It happened, and I sort of waited there to see if it would just be a quick one. It took me a while to act, but I realized that I actually knew what to do! While everyone else did the things that most would do in that situation, I intervened and followed the correct procedure
(in case this ever happens around you, while the person lays on the ground, get a chair and prop their legs on it. The reason they passed out is because there wasn't enough blood or air getting to their brain, so you want to get their blood to rush to their head. DO NOT prop them up, change their environment, give them water, or anything like that. Just let it finish with their legs propped. Once they are awake and gathered, it's always a good idea to give them something sugary incase their blood sugar is low).
Anyways, for once in my life I actually stepped up and took charge. I felt bad telling people to do and not to do things, but it felt good to actually feel useful. Maybe I'm turning a new leaf- becoming more authoritative... hmm.. Anyways, the person is fine. She was out for a few minutes and of course was scared afterwords, shaking. The truth is, passing out happens pretty often and to all sorts of people. There may be a health reason for it, or maybe they just locked their knees; all in all, for some reason, the blood just doesn't get to the brain fast enough! So don't panic. Ok, there's my little medical shpeel for the day!
aw nik. you're definitely a hero in my book. :).
love you annie! :)
love that you explained to us how to save someones life!
it's useful info!
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